Friday, October 31, 2008


When first discussing this topic about sweatshops I was initially opposed to it and overall disgusted by what they are. After some further research and class discussion today I would have to say I am for sweatshops even through I still think they are horrible. The Department of Labor defines a work place as a sweatshop if it violates two or more of the most basic labor laws including child labor, minimum wage, overtime and fire safety laws.

These conditions that people work are truly horrible and unfair. The workers work long hours with little to no breaks, they are paid nothing for the massive amount of work they do. I do believe it is unfair that people work in these type of conditions but when you really think about it, it is there way of life. It is the persons choice whether they want to work there of not and by working in the sweatshops they are able to provide for their family.

Even though I am pro-sweatshops i do believe there are things can could be done to help better the conditions for the workers. If I owned my own company I would not have sweatshops. I would make the sacrifice and pay over more money to not have sweatshops. Of Course i say that now because I am not in a position to make that choice but as of now that is how i feel. Sweatshops are a double standard. They are bad conditions in an unfair environment but they also are helpful towards people by providing work so the family can have a life.

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